HCBA Waiver Agency


On July 12, 2023, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) notified us that they were putting a hold on new applications for the Home and Community Based Alternatives (HCBA) Waiver because the program is reaching the total number of participants allowed. That means no more applications will be processed for the HCBA Waiver until ‘slots’ for the program open up. We do not know how long this hold on processing applications will last. As of July 12, 2023, those people who apply for the HCBA Waiver will be placed on a waitlist. The attached Memorandum from DHCS explains this process.

We do know that DHCS will prioritize some people for what the state (DHCS) calls “Reserve Capacity” applicants as described in the attached Memorandum. We believe that “Reserve Capacity” means that there are some people who will have their HCBA Waiver applications processed first. According to DHCS, there are three groups who fall into these “Reserve Capacity” categories. These three groups are:

• Children under the age of 21 – including those who have who will turn 21 years of age during the current year and who were receiving nursing services paid for by Medi-Cal (for example through the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT program, the California Children’s Services (CCS) program or through a Medi-Cal Managed Care Plan.)

• People who have been in a skilled facility (which means a hospital, nursing home or intermediate care facility) for more than 60 days with services covered by Medi-Cal (not counting any days paid by Medicare).

• People transitioning from another Medi-Cal waiver program.

We believe that DHCS plans that those who fall into one of these three groups will be placed on a priority list and they will have their applications processed first when HCBA Waiver slots open. Those applicants who are not in one of these three “Reserve Capacity” groups will be placed on a waitlist for the HCBA Waiver program.

We met with DHCS on July 21, 2023 to talk about the questions everyone has. DHCS let us know that they are still working on the details for how the waitlist will be managed. What is stated here is what we believe to be true today (7/25/23). Please note, this may change as DHCS gives us more information.

We still want to encourage everyone who wants the HCBA Waiver to complete the HCBA Waiver application on our website. Anyone who is not in one of the three groups listed above will have their application placed on the waitlist and will have their application processed when more ‘slots’ on the HCBA Waiver open up. We just do not know how long it will take for additional slots to open up. Those individuals who are interested in Assisted Living Waiver Program, (ALWP) please go to our website under Assisted Living Waiver and fill out that application. This program has a similar wait list.

In the interim, those individuals who are interested in either HCBA or ALW can also join our Enhanced Care Management/Community Supports Program (ECM/CS) while you are on the waiting list for HCBA or ALW. This ECM/CS programs are free through your health plan. You will be assigned a HHCM care manager to help you access things such as finding a new MD, housing deposits and navigation, food , and respite care. Please go to our website under Enhanced Care Management/Community Supports for more information and to fill out the health plan application or request a call back from one of our ECM/CS care managers.

The HCBA Waiver

Home Health Care Management, Inc. (HHCM) is contracted with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to provide administrative services and comprehensive care management services, under the Medi-Cal Home and Community Based Alternatives (HCBA) Waiver Program to participants in 27 counties in Northern California. See here for a current list of counties we serve.

The HCBA Waiver (formerly the Nursing Facility/Acute Hospital (NF/AH) Waiver) was approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on May 16, 2017. Medicaid’s Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver programs, including the HCBA Waiver, are authorized under Section 1915(c) of the Social Security Act; governed by Title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); and administered by CMS.

Services Provided Under The HCBA Waiver

Services that may be provided to support Waiver participants include but are not limited to:

  • Habilitation Services
  • Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS)
  • Community Transition Services
  • Continuous Nursing and Supportive Services
  • Family/Caregiver Training
  • Personal Emergency Response Installation and Testing
  • Personal Emergency Response System
  • Private Duty Nursing
  • Home and/or Facility Respite
  • Environmental Accessibility Adaptation

2023 – 2027 Renewal of the Home & Community-Based Alternatives Waiver

Frequently Asked Questions

Fill out the below HCBA Waiver Application and fax to 530-894-3186 or mail to 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico, CA 95973.

Download and complete the HCBA Waiver application:

All documents relating to the HCBA program can be sent to the following fax (530) 894-3186 (including TAR’s, POTs)

The necessary documents are to be faxed to (530) 894-3186 OR mailed to 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico, CA 95973

A waiver applicant is an individual who is not enrolled and open to the HCBA Program.

A waiver member/participant is an individual who is enrolled, active and open to HCBA Program services.

HCBA Members/Participants

  • If you have any questions, concerns, and/or need to reach your case manager, please contact us toll free at 1.800.400.0727 or 530.343.0727.
  • If you need to add a new Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS) provider please fill out the below form and fax to 530.894.3186 or mail to 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico, CA 95973
  • It typically takes 3-5 business days for the DHCS WPCS Unit to process the Provider Agreement form once the form has been received by HHCM.
  • Once the DHCS WPCS Unit has added the WPCS provider to the system, time sheets will be issued through the electronic timesheet portal.
  • If you have any questions regarding payroll and/or time sheets, you can reach the DHCS WPCS Unit at 916.552.9214.

Providers/Vendors (Home Health Agencies/Independent Nurse Providers)

  • HHCM has 30 days to adjudicate a TAR.
  • Your current TAR will remain in force until the expiration date of the TAR.
  • E-TARS are not allowed at this time for the HCBA Waiver program.
    • TARs must be faxed to 530.894.3186 OR mailed to 1398 Ridgewood Drive Chico, CA 95973
  • The Provider Agreement Form MUST be completed and attached with the TAR in order for TAR processing to occur.
  • If there are any questions regarding TAR’s, please contact the HCBA TAR Processing team at toll-free 1.800.400.0727 or 530.343.0727

Contact Information for HCBA Waiver Program

  • Phone:
  • Fax: 530.894.3186
  • Mailing Address:
    Attention: HCBA Waiver Program
    1398 Ridgewood Drive
    Chico, CA 95973